Born in Mississippi in 1956, Steve Gardner is an accomplished blues musician and photographer, having studied photojournalism at the University of Southern Mississippi and blues from the “School of Hard Knocks.” After working as a photojournalist in the States, he came to Japan, where he has freelanced for Japanese magazines as well as for Time and Newsweek. The interest in the blues that he found in Japan led him to create a picture book on Mississippi and the blues, Rambling Mind (1994). His first CD, “Rambling With The Blues” (2002) is this book’s musical counterpart. His latest CD, which he recorded in New Orleans, Louisiana, is “Walkin’ the dog” (2008). Through his music, and stories, Steve Gardner will take us on a journey to Mississippi and show us where the blues came from — both geographically and spiritually.
EVENT: Open Lecture
WHEN: October 27, 2011 (Thursday) 1:15 PM – 2:30 PM
WHERE: Sagamihara Campus, Room D-316
IE Core and Seminar teachers, as well as teachers of Reading I or II, should feel free to bring their classes to this special event. Professor Strong has distributed corresponding teaching materials to Core teachers. If any other teachers are interested in these materials, please let us know.