A documentary film dealing with the lives and experiences of Tohoku-ites recovering from the triple (earthquake, tsunami, nuclear) disaster is due to premiere this coming autumn. Linda Ohama is the Canadian filmmaker directing the documentary–“TOHOKU NO SHINGESU: A New Moon Over Tohoku”–which is now in the sound editing phase of production. She is planning to visit Japan after the film has been completed for the screening of her film and a lecture tour.

An excellent public speaker, Linda has given talks to students and faculty members at Aoyama Gakuin University for a number of years, to much critical acclaim. As the work of a film maker constantly involves retooling and learning new things, it is a profession that is all about lifelong learning. You can see a write-up on the film at the 8 bit news site: http://8bitnews.org/?p=4621. A link to National Film Board of Canada’s website where a previous film by Linda Ohama–“Obachan’s Garden”– can be seen in its entirety is https://www.nfb.ca/film/obachans_garden.