- When a student or their close contact has become infected…
① 授業:面接(対面)授業を継続する。(対面授業において罹患学生が発生した場合でも、適切な感染対策を行っており、罹患学生が療養している状況では授業内での感染拡大は起こらないと想定される。)保健管理センターの報告を受け、教務課(相模原キャンパスは学務課)が「授業担当者向け報告書」を作成し、当該学生の出席停止期間を授業担当者に伝達→授業担当者は、出席停止期間中は当該学生を欠席と扱わず、オンライン授業の録画提供等の配慮を行う。無症状の罹患学生もしくは濃厚接触者となった学生が自宅等からオンライン授業を受講することは可とする。 学生への対応は、授業資料等による自己学習を含む何らかのオンライン授業を行う。
(1) The face-to-face class(es) in which the student is enrolled should continue normally. [Even if a student becomes infected with COVID-19, since appropriate infection countermeasures are being taken in F2F classes, it is assumed that the infection will not spread in the class while the affected student is undergoing medical treatment.]
In response to a report from the Health Administration Center, the Academic Affairs Division will prepare a memo for the teachers of the student in question, informing them of the student’s suspension period. During the period, the student should not be treated as absent, and consideration will be given to providing recordings of online classes or other accommodations that will make it possible for the absent student to make up missed classes. It is permissible for asymptomatic affected students, or students who were in close contact with infected individuals to take online classes from home.
② 課外活動:当該団体は2週間活動を停止する。
(2) Extracurricular activities: The clubs or circles that the infected students belong to will suspend their activities for two weeks.
2. 授業担当者に罹患者・濃厚接触者が発生した場合
2. When the teacher in charge of a class has become infected with COVID-19 or has been in close contact with such an individual
① 授業:定められた期間中は当該授業を休講とする。補講は原則として授業期間中にオンデマンド授業配信形式で実施することとするが、無症状もしくは濃厚接触者の場合で、体調面での授業実施に支障が無い場合には、必ずしも休講とせずに自宅等からのオンライン授業の実施も可能とする。
(1) The class will be canceled during the specified period. As a general rule, make-up classes will be conducted in an on-demand class distribution format during the semester, but if the teacher is asymptomatic and physically able to conduct classes, the class will not necessarily be canceled. It can be conducted online from home.
3. 各キャンパス内でのクラスターの発生等により感染者数が劇的に増加した場合
3. When the number of infected people increases dramatically due to the occurrence of clusters on each campus
① 授業:当該キャンパスの全授業を翌週から2週間オンライン授業に切り替え、キャンパス内の消毒を行う。
(1) All classes on the campus will be switched to an online delivery mode for two weeks from the following week, and the campus will be disinfected. Face-to-face lessons will be changed to online real-time lessons or on-demand lessons, including self-learning lessons based on course materials, etc.
② 課外活動:活動時の利用施設の所在地にかかわらずすべての団体の課外活動を2週間活動停止とする。
(2) All extracurricular activities will be suspended for two weeks regardless of the location where those activities usually take place.
4. 緊急事態宣言が発出された場合
4. When a state of emergency is issued
① 授業:オンライン授業を中心とし、学部が必要と認めた授業のみ対面授業を行う。対面授業を行う場合は、感染拡大に最大限配慮する。
(1) Mainly online classes will be held. Face-to-face classes will be continued only in the cases deemed necessary by the faculty. When conducting those face-to-face lessons, maximum consideration should be given to minimize the spread of infection.
② 課外活動:認められた活動のみ実施することができる。課外活動を行う場合は、感染拡大に最大限配慮する。
(2) Only approved extracurricular activities can be carried out. When conducting extracurricular activities, maximum consideration should be given to minimize the spread of infection.
IMPORTANT: Measures taken to control the infectious disease spread from desks and chairs in the classroom
Do NOT wipe down the desks or chairs in the classroom because they have been coated with a special disinfectant that might be removed if you were to clean the surfaces with alcohol wipes or other sanitizing methods.
Explanation: As a measure against infectious organisms on desks and chairs in the classroom, the surfaces will be coated with an alcohol disinfectant containing titanium oxide. The coated surface can remove up to 99.9% of viruses and bacteria by oxidizing them.
Below is a PDF of the original document (dated March 22) that was sent by the university under the name of President Sakamoto. The translations on this page are unofficial ones prepared by Joseph Dias, but they were checked for accuracy with the head of our personnel/ scheduling committee (Yoran). The attached document has some useful visual aids.