Information packet. In early to mid-March, the Student Center will send a packet of information to each teacher at the teacher’s home address. The packet will include the teacher’s teaching schedule, calendar for the academic year, maps of the campus, and other information. The information presented in this section supplements that packet. If you have any further questions do not hesitate to ask other faculty members, office personnel, or the IEP coordinators for assistance.
Getting to the Shibuya (Aoyama) Campus. The Shibuya Campus is approximately a ten-minute walk from Shibuya Station and a five-minute walk from Omote-sando Station. Since parking is not available on campus, teachers are asked to use public transportation instead of driving to campus. In rare circumstances, temporary parking is permitted if one obtains a parking permit from the Anzen Taisakuka at Somubu in the main administration building (Hombu), located in Berry Hall at the center of the campus. Any cars parked in the university parking area should be fully insured. Public parking may be available off campus, but it may be prohibitively expensive.
Contacting the Shibuya (Aoyama) Campus. The Shibuya Campus can be contacted by calling the Student Center at 03-3409-7830. This is also the number you should use if you are going to be absent or late for class. The Student Center can also provide assistance if you need to contact other individuals or offices at the Shibuya Campus. If you need to contact the Student Center the number is 03-3409-8111.
Identity card. A university identity card will be sent to each teacher at the teacher’s home address at the beginning of April, if not earlier. Teachers should carry their identity card with them while they are on campus. An identity card is needed to enter and to check out books from the library; to use personal computers in the faculty lounges; to borrow software from the Computer Support Lounge (on the 1st floor of Bldg. 2); and to check out DVDs from the AV Library, Building 8, 1F. Occasionally guards at the gates of the university will ask to see your university identity card, so you should carry it at all times while on campus.