About New Logicool MEETUP Web Cameras that the university has acquired
For “Hy-Flex” classes given in CALL classrooms, beginning in April 2021, teachers can borrow a Logicool MeetUp Web Camera at the Foreign Language Lab (i.e. FLL, 6th Floor of Goucher). For classes given in conventional classrooms, MeetUp Web Cameras are available in the teachers’ lounges (also from April 2021). They can be connected, by USB, to either the teacher’s computer located in the classroom or to your own laptop. It comes with a remote that makes it possible to do panning or zooming.
This MeetUp Webcam works well even in the smaller classrooms, with tighter spaces. It has a wider-than-usual-angle 4K camera and speaker and mics suited to smaller rooms. Since the view angle is very wide, remote viewers may be able to see everyone in the room.

It comes with a Remote that uses RF technology, so you do not have to worry about aiming it at a receiver on the main unit or something or someone blocking it. One thing to be careful of is that there are no on-device controls, so if the remote is lost panning or zooming isn’t possible unless the Logitech ConferenceCam Soft Remote app is used on your smart phone, which duplicates all of the hard remote’s functions. But, take care not to lose the physical remote controller.
These webcams are not available for loan at AIM (the Information Media Center). Only at the FLL and the teachers’ lounges.