DVDs and VHS Videos in AGU’s Library Holdings

We would like to encourage you to use a wide variety of materials in your IE, and other English Department, courses. Toward that end, we plan to inform you, annually, of the audiovisual holdings of the AGU library, to which you have access. Much to our surprise, there are a wide assortment of audiovisual materials beyond major hollywood blockbusters and well-known documentaries. For example, there are many materials related to language teaching pedagogy and intercultural communication. Of course, you may search for print or audiovisual materials using the OPAC system, but, for your convenience, we are making the holdings available to you in a handy excel format:

DVDs @ the Shibuya Campus

DVDs @ the Sagamihara Campus

VHS  videos @ the Shibuya Campus

VHS  videos @ the Sagamihara Campus