Student Center. The Student Center is located on the second floor of Building 17. This office is our link between the administration and students. You must notify the Student Center if you will be absent or late for classes. If there are any other special communications to be given to a class, it is through this office that such arrangements are made. The telephone numbers for the Student Center are given in the section, “Contacting the Shibuya campus.”
Faculty lounges. Faculty lounges (koshi-hikaeshitsu) are located on the first floor of Building 1, the first floor of Building 8, and the second floor of Building 17. The lounges in Buildings 1 and 8 are open from 8:30 a.m. to 9:20 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, and from 8:30 to 9:40 p.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays. The lounge in Building 17 is open from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Mondays through Fridays, and from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturdays. Green tea is available for teachers and, in the one in Building 17, there is a microwave. There are photocopiers and computers available as well. The lounges are equipped with shelves on which teachers can leave teaching materials. However, these shelves must be cleared at the end of each school term.
Photocopy facilities. There are photocopy machines in the faculty lounges which teachers are free to use. Teachers may have copies made for them by the university administration as long as the request is made at least one week in advance at the 総合窓口 (General Affairs Desk) of the Student Center–the office next to the teachers’ room on the second floor of Building 17. Request prints to be double-sided if you are having more than one page copied. Photocopies will not be made of copyrighted material, however, including excerpts from books, magazines, and newspapers. Teachers should not ask students to make photocopies in the faculty lounges since students are not permitted to use the photocopy machines in those rooms.
Computer facilities. Teachers are free to use the personal computers in the faculty lounges in Buildings 8 and 17. A university identity card is needed to use these computers, however, and to enter the university portal, a PIN password must be obtained from the PC Support Lounge located on the first floor of Building 2. You must also obtain an e-mail address if you wish to use the campus e-mail system. Teachers may also use the personal computers in the computer room at the PC Support Lounge, although there is a time limit of 90 minutes. The PC Support Lounge office also has site licenses for software such as Microsoft Office and anti-virus programs. Finally, the entire campus has wireless Internet.
Cafeteria, bookstore, clinic, library. Cafeterias are located in the basements of Buildings 7 and 11, and on the first floor of Building 17. (There is no separate cafeteria reserved exclusively for faculty members.) The campus bookstore, Kobaikai, is located on the first floor of Building 1. A clinic is located on the first floor of Building 7. Teachers may use the campus library, but a university identity card is needed both to enter the library and to borrow books.