Final Presentation, July 17th
The final presentation, to be given on July 17th, will be to report on your experiences in exploring the scholarly and professional potential of several social networking services that I introduced to you during our last class on July 3rd. You’ll have a maximum of 12 minutes for your presentation.
Social networking sites can be used by students of foreign languages to increase opportunities for interaction with native speakers [see “Social networking for language learners: Creating meaningful output with Web 2.0 tools” by Robert Chartrand and “Online Tools for Language Teaching” by Jeong-Bae Son]. They can also be used by researchers or instructors to network and facilitate collaboration with colleagues [see “Teacher professional identity development with social networking technologies: learning reform through blogging” by Luehmann & Tinelli]. In addition, language samples used in social networking platforms can be studied and analyzed as corpora [see “The Linguistics of Social Networking: A Study of Writing Conventions on Facebook” by Carmen Pérez-Sabater].
Here is a list of some of the social networking sites that I introduced to you:
example sites: Steven Pinker, Morten Hunke, Joseph Dias
example sites: Peter Robinson’s page & Joseph Dias’ page
- Path (for communicating in small groups of people who know each other; similar to Facebook but “it’s so personal, you don’t have a profile”).
example site: JALT Lifelong Language Learning Facebook Page
- Delicious (social bookmarking)
example site: Joseph Dias’ “bookmarks”
Useful reference for using Twitter in ESL: Using Twitter as an ESL resource
There are some Twitter feeds that are useful to follow: Linguist List is one example.
Another one is a Twitter group of linguists: linguistics Twibe
Twitter and other social networking services can also be used to study language and language change As explained in this interesting BBC article
example blog on “Whaling” created by Dias to demonstrate to students how to properly paraphrase, quote, and cite sources.
- Linkedin (You can put your CV online, colleagues can “endorse” you, and someone might offer you a job. You won’t really be able to see the potential for this service until you join and begin using it. You will only be able to see the profiles of those who you are “connected” to. You can join professional groups and use the service as a sort of BBS, asking questions to experts in various fields.)
- lang-8 (suggested by Nobumitsu): Users write something in the target language and native speakers provide corrections.
Other applications or services that are useful and can be used for collaboration among teachers and students:
Finally, a 400-500 word reflection paper on your understanding of professional development and how it was influenced by this Kiso Enshu is due by the 25th of July. You should send it to me by email AND put a hard copy of it in the box on my office (15-1015) door.
Homework for Thursday, June 26th
In today’s class, I demonstrated some podcasts for teachers and learners of English. I told you that you should “subscribe” to, at least, one podcast for teachers and one for learners. And, over the next few weeks, you should keep a journal about your podcast monitoring. [In the case of Takafumi, the podcasts can be about some aspects of the history of the English language.] In your podcast journal entries, you should…
- Describe the title of the Podcast and its purpose.
- Give the title of the particular podcasts (i.e., episodes) you’re focusing on for the week.
- Describe the episode(s) and what you learned from them.
- From the perspective of a teacher or learner, evaluate the quality of the content, delivery, and usefulness.
- If you are currently teaching, try to apply something you learned from a podcast into a lesson plan.
For your reference, you can find a huge list of podcasts on educational technology (some relevant to language teaching but most not relevant) at this site:
Here’s an example of a podcast for students: Splendid Speaking
You can sign up to a newsletter that offers transcripts of the podcasts at…
Homework for Thursday, May 29th
Observation Before our May 29th class, you should watch the Youtube videos which I have assigned to you. They each show an English (or “language arts”) lesson in progress. Use THIS FORM to record your observations of the classes. You will need to photocopy multiple copies of the sheet since just one will be insufficient. [NOTE: Change the last category, “teacher reflections,” to “My reflections.” Try your best to understand the dialog in the videos. I realize that it will be very difficult to understand 100% of it. Each trio of students should divide the videos in equal parts and transcribe their respective parts. Make sure your transcripts are highly detailed as we will use them to practice coding in our next class.
Kenta, Yumi are responsible for this video (African American students):
Shinsuke, Takafumi are responsible for this video (British class):
Kazuki, Yoichi are responsible for this video (sitting students):
PART 2: Also, read this chapter (Huh? Oh. Aha!) from an upcoming book by Prof. John Fanselow. As the book hasn’t been published yet, be sure not to give the article to anyone else. It’s only for your eyes. It was sent to me by Prof. Fanselow as a “sneak preview.” In addition, read this informative chapter about OBSERVATION. If you have time, you might also check out this recent article about John Fanselow’s approach (and emphasis on) observation–co-written by me and several of my colleagues.
Homework related to Questioning
Here is the reading for our class on 10/24: asking questions PDF, from the book Social Research Methods, 2nd Edition, by Alan Bryman, OUP.
I have broken up the chapter so that various members of the class can present parts of it to the class, while also providing us with examples of their own and an evaluation of the content. We will conduct the class as a workshop that we’ll be jointly conducted by all the members of the class, so, each student is encouraged to have his/her classmates try out the techniques and suggestions covered in the chapter. Here are the parts I will assign to you:
Kenta Hamano: pp. 145 – 148 Open Questions (not the parts on “coding” that’s in the boxes)
Shinsuke Higuchi & Yoichi Meguro: pp. 146 – 147 What is coding? Coding open questions
Kazuki Miwa: pp. 148 – 150 Closed questions
Takafumi Oyama: pp. 150 – 151 Types of questions
Yumi Watanabe: pp. 152 – 157 Rules for designing questions
Kenta Hamano: pp. 158 – 159 Vignette questions
Kazuki Miwa: pp. 159 – 160 Piloting & pre-testing questions plus pp. 160 – 161 Using existing questions
Here’s the rubric we’ll use for vetting our classmates’ proposals today: (you’ll need to scroll down to find it). It might help you to write a better proposal if you look at the rubric before you begin writing it.
On July 10th we will be participating in the following event:
July 10 (Thu): Reading and Responding to Student Writing
Paul Kei Matsuda, Arizona State UniversityThe goal of this workshop is to explore the principles and practices of reading and responding to student writing by responding to an actual student writing. After an overview of different types of responses that teachers might provide, the participants will practice providing feedback, share their responses, and reflect not only on how to respond but why.
About the speaker: Paul Kei Matsuda is Professor of English and Director of Second Language Writing at Arizona State University. He has published widely on second language writing in various journals and edited collections in applied linguistics, rhetoric and composition and TESOL, and has received a number of prestigious awards for his publications. A sought-after speaker, he has presented plenary and keynote talks as well as lectures and workshops in various countries, including China, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, Israel, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Qatar, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, and throughout the United States.
Paul is founding chair of the Symposium on Second Language Writing and of the CCCC Committee on Second Language Writing, and has served as the Chair of the Nonnative English Speakers in TESOL (NNEST) Caucus. He has edited numerous books and special journal issues on second language writing. He also is the Series Editor of the Parlor Press Series on Second Language Writing. Currently, Paul is the 2nd Vice President and President-Elect of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL); he is currently organizing the 2015 AAAL conference to be held in Toronto, Canada.
Date: Jul 10th (Thu) Time: 18:00-19:30
Location: Sophia University, Yotsuya campus, room 10-301