Teacher Resource Center. Another invaluable resource for teachers in the IEP is this Center located in a corner of the English Department Office/ Library (on the 9th Floor of the Goucher Building). It contains mailboxes for messages from the program coordinators and hosts a professional library of books on language teaching in the four skill areas and on teaching content courses. Copies may be found in the Center of the assigned textbooks for each of the IEP courses. The Center contains DVDs and videos suggested as resources such as the IE/OE Discussion DVD and the New Ways in Teaching Reading DVD for teachers to use with their IE Core classes. There is a DVD player and a CD player for teachers to preview AV materials. All the materials may be borrowed for 1-week loan periods. Teacher should sign out the materials by noting their name, the title of the material, and its catalogue number on a provided clipboard. There is a small budget available for purchasing new materials, so, please contact the IEP coordinators should you wish to suggest new acquisitions.