Video editing workshops for teachers

On June 27th and July 11th video editing workshops were held by representatives of Apple Japan (Satoe Fujita and Azusa Matsumoto) at the Sagamihara and Shibuya campuses, respectively. Nearly 20 teachers, teachers’ assistants, and Foreign Language Library staff members attended the workshops with enthusiasm. Participants learned how to create a video, insert transitions, add voiceover, and export the video file as a podcast. Much was covered in a short period of time. Hopefully, the lessons learned will translate into a richer variety of learning materials for students in the near future. Click here to view photos of the workshops.

About Jodias

J.V. Dias, an American from San Jose, California, is currently the co-coordinator of the Integrated English (IE) Program and a member of the Communications Unit of Aoyama Gakuin University's English Department. In the last few years he has published articles that appeared in two TESOL texts: Dias, J.V., & Kikuchi, K. (2010). Designing listening tasks: Lessons learned from needs analysis studies. In Teaching Listening: Voices From the Field (N. Ashcraft and A. Tran, Eds.). Alexandria, VA: TESOL, pp. 9-31. AND... Dias, J.V. (2009). A Web of Controversy: Bringing Critical Thinking Skills Online. In Adult language learners: Context and innovation (G. Strong and A. Smith, Eds.). Alexandria, VA: TESOL, pp. 97-105.
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