One of our Core teachers, Mr. James Broadbridge, has generously shared an activity he devised to help prepare students for the event. It involves watching a YouTube video about the activities of Médecins du Monde and doing some related exercises, which are included in this document.
Mr. Graham Courtney has kindly provided us with a concise summary of the content which appears on the website of Doctors of the World.
Doctors of the World has a YouTube Channel that features videos about its recent work in Nepal, Haiti, and the Gaza. Check out some of these videos before Friday’s talk. Come to the talk prepared with questions to ask the speaker.
J.V. Dias, an American from San Jose, California, is currently the co-coordinator of the Integrated English (IE) Program and a member of the Communications Unit of Aoyama Gakuin University's English Department. In the last few years he has published articles that appeared in two TESOL texts:
Dias, J.V., & Kikuchi, K. (2010). Designing listening tasks: Lessons learned from needs analysis studies. In Teaching Listening: Voices From the Field (N. Ashcraft and A. Tran, Eds.). Alexandria, VA: TESOL, pp. 9-31.
Dias, J.V. (2009). A Web of Controversy: Bringing Critical Thinking Skills Online. In Adult language learners: Context and innovation (G. Strong and A. Smith, Eds.). Alexandria, VA: TESOL, pp. 97-105.