Category Archives: News
20th Annual IE Orientation for Teachers
This year is the 20th anniversary of the existence of the IE Program. It brings many changes, the foremost being the move of our freshmen and sophomore students to the Aoyama Campus. Although it may make for a somewhat population … Continue reading
Schedule for 2013 / 2014 Academic year
Here is the schedule for this academic year in Excel format. Note that this year we have our final week of classes sandwiched between days of make-up classes. Also, please notice that while most workers in Japan will be enjoying … Continue reading
Wifi Hotspots on the Aoyama Campus of AGU
Gradually, the university is increasing wireless Internet coverage on its Aoyama Campus. This map shows the buildings and areas of the campus where you can log on wirelessly using your laptop or tablet computer, or smart phone.
Special Lecture: Jason Chare / Tokyo English Life Line
The speaker, Jason Chare, is the Executive Officer and Director of Life Line Services at the Tokyo English Life Line (TELL). Although next year TELL will celebrate its 40th anniversary, there are many in Japan who have never heard of … Continue reading
Teachers Offices on the Shibuya Campus
It won’t be long before we make the transition to holding classes for freshmen and sophomores at the Shibuya Campus of AGU. So, we would like to start familiarizing teachers and students with the facilities there. A few spanking new … Continue reading
New Academic Skills Materials
We are pleased to announce that two new units have been added to the Academic Skills course this year: Gricean Maxims, a lecture delivered by Prof. Eric McCready of our humble university Multiculturalism in Canada, a lecture given by Prof. … Continue reading
Schedule for the 2013 academic year is out
The schedule for the 2013 (i.e., Heisei 25) academic year has been released. Download it as a PDF. DOWNLOAD THE PDF OF THIS YEAR’S CALENDAR BY CLICKING HERE.
Introducing Building 17 on the Aoyama Campus
We’re pleased to announce the opening of the new building on the Aoyama Campus, Building 17. When we make our move from the Sagamihara to the Aoyama Campus next year, I think you will be pleased with what the new … Continue reading
IE Orientation Summary
Thanks to all the teachers who attended the 19th Orientation and Annual Faculty Development Symposium on University English Teaching, which was one of the most successful in terms of content and material. We are very grateful for the contributions of our … Continue reading
Databases on the AGU library’s portal
This video was created to help you navigate around the databases that are available on the AGU library’s website. Enjoy! Here is the link to the AGU Portal’s login page: