Category Archives: News
Special Lecture by Linda Ohama
Speaker: Ms. Linda Ohama Topic: Obachan’s Garden & The Kids Quilt Project Location: Sagamihara Campus, Room E-104 Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2012 Time: 1:10 PM to 2:40 PM (3rd period) Ms. Linda Ohama is an award-winning Japanese-Canadian filmmaker who produced … Continue reading
IE Teachers Orientation
The 19th Annual Faculty Development Symposium on University English Teaching (AKA IE Orientation) will take place on Friday, April 6th this year. Several teachers in the IE Program have generously agreed to speak on issues of common interest, including apps … Continue reading
An Invitation to the Spring 2012 TELL Training
Applications are now being accepted for the Spring 2012 Telephone Counseling Training Program. No prior counseling experience is required. It’s a tremendous opportunity to take part in meaningful work that is challenging and rewarding. The training sessions will take place … Continue reading
The 2012 Academic Year Calendar is now out!
You may download the 2012 academic year schedule by clicking on it!
Special Lecture & Concert by Bluesman Steve Gardner
Born in Mississippi in 1956, Steve Gardner is an accomplished blues musician and photographer, having studied photojournalism at the University of Southern Mississippi and blues from the “School of Hard Knocks.” After working as a photojournalist in the States, he … Continue reading
Life Line Services Open House — Volunteer Opportunity
Volunteer work has many benefits. It can make you feel more a part of society and it can help you prepare for entering society by giving you useful job skills and general social skills. There is a unique volunteer opportunity … Continue reading
Volunteer Opportunities for Golden Week
Some of you might be thinking about doing some sort of volunteer activity to relieve the hardships of those still suffering in the northeastern part of Japan due to the earthquake and tsunami. Please refer to the Foreign Volunteers Japan … Continue reading
Welcome to the 2011-12 Academic Year
On the behalf of the English Department and the IE Program committee, we would like to express our deep condolences for those lost in the March 11th earthquake and tsunami, and our sympathy to their families and friends. It is … Continue reading
New Facebook Community Page on Lifelong Language Learning
Many language teaching organizations, such as TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) and JALT (Japan Association of Language Teaching) are making use of Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking services to better connect with their members. Here’s … Continue reading
Special lecture related to the Tokyo English Lifeline
Ms. Vickie Skorji, the assistant director of the Tokyo English Life Line (TELL), and Lori Wigmore, the Director of TELL’s Children and Families, will grace our Sagamihara Campus on Thursday, December 16th to give a talk related to the work … Continue reading