IE Active Listening & Academic Skills

In IE Active Listening, you will be exposed to streaming media, documentaries and popular films based on the themes in the chart below. These themes are shared with your IE Writing and IE Core courses. For the Academic Skills course in your sophomore year, you will be listening to recorded lectures on the subjects of literature, linguistics, and communications. You will learn how academic lectures are organized, and how to take effective lecture notes.

IEA Listening I IEA Listening II IEA Listening III
1.Childhood2.Urban Life



1.Changing Technology2.Workplace



1.Relationships2.Cross-Cultural Values


4.The Media

Academic Skills
1. Literature2. Linguistics

3. Communications

Here is the link to videos that are used in the AS course:

The dates for the Academic Skills exams in the 2023 Academic Year will be:

  • For Thursday classes: November 9 for Midterm and January 11 for Final
  • For Friday classes: November 10 for Midterm and December 22 for Final

Your classes will be held in Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) classrooms and you will be able to listen to the materials in our self-access areas as well.

“Self-directed listening” sites

Use the following sites for the self-directed listening part of the new IE Active Listening course:

Listening Resources for Language Learners (many of these include transcripts)

Challenging Listening Materials Intended for Natives

LINKS to YouTube videos connected with the IE Active Listening themes

You might want to make use of the some of the following resources related to environmental issues as alternatives to YouTube:

  • Environmental Justice Foundation Short Films are from an organization tries to make a world where the natural environment can sustain the communities that depend upon it.
  • Discovery Channel features amazing stories and experiences from the world of science, natural history, anthropology, survival, and engineering.
  • Greenpeace International offers videos describing environmental problems and their solutions.
  • National Geographic has videos on environmental issues and animal-related news.
  • Earthrise is a program featuring developments in Asia and includes stories about environmental issues.
  • BBC Reel  presents engaging short videos on a wide variety of social and cultural topics.
  • Scientific American introduces a variety of environmental issues through videos at its website, including a census on jaguars in Central America.
  • United Nations University The United Nations University (UNU) is a global think tank and postgraduate teaching organization headquartered in Japan. Through videos on their YouTube channel, learn about the United Nations and the Strategic Development Goals (SDGs).

Follow this link for learning materials related to the video “Diet for a New America” (to be used in IE III Active Listening) and a video featuring an interview with a couple who own and manage a vegetarian restaurant in Tokyo called Deva Deva (to be used in the Academic Skills course): ‎