IE Program Teachers’ Orientation 2017

Here is the Word file with the full schedule of the IE Orientation and 24th Annual Faculty Development Symposium on University English Teaching.

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Schedule for 2017 Academic Year

Click on the thumbnail of the Schedule for the 2017 Academic Year for a larger and clearer view. Also, you can find a version of the schedule in English that clearly states which holidays are normal working days and which are genuine holidays at:

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From this semester (Spring 2016) all students in all three levels of IE Writing will be required to upload the final drafts of their essays to a “Database of Student Writing.”

In the second semester, students in Academic Writing will also have to upload the final draft of their essay to the database.

This handout gives detailed instructions on how to do it.

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Calendar for 2016 Academic Year

Click on the image below for an English version of the calendar. [Note that April 7th is mislabeled as “Wednesday,” when it is actually Thursday.]

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Teachers Introduce the IE Program’s Plagiarism Policy

These are instructors who teach for the English Department at Aoyama Gakuin University announcing the plagiarism policy of the Integrated English Program.

You can read the complete plagiarism policy by clicking HERE.

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23rd Annual IE Program Orientation for Teachers

We look forward to an energizing, mind-expanding, and enjoyable IE Orientation for teachers on Saturday morning. Below you will find the program. If you click on it, you will be able to download the notes describing each of the presentations.


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New Version of Academic Writing Book

In Academic Writing we have transitioned from using MLA style to APA. This is the newest version of the textbook that will be used in all of the Academic Writing classes: Academic Writing Textbook.

The book will not be printed for students so there is nothing for them to purchase. They should use the PDF of the textbook.


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Welcome to the Open Campus

We hold our Open Campus so that prospective students–and their parents or other family members–can get the “flavor” of Aoyama Gakuin University. Our hope is that you will enjoy it to the fullest and tell others about your experiences here.


Discussion during an open lecture on “human trafficking” for IE students and teachers

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IE Orientation 2015: An Event to Remember

We’re looking forward to an energizing and engaging IE Orientation this year, with several senior teachers presenting for the first time. There will be updates on our evolving approach to plagiarism prevention, sessions on bringing cultural awareness and exchange into the classroom, a “pecha kucha” showcase of IE Seminars, an explanation of how to self-publish, an exciting technology panel, and a roundtable on best practices in IE Active Listening by veteran instructors of that course.

This year’s IE Orientation will be more streamlined, with only the two final presentations overlapping. This should ensure less chaos, better time management, and more opportunities for everyone to gain exposure to information, ideas, and suggestions that apply across courses rather than just related to the particular course(s) they have been assigned.

IE Orientation

Here is the schedule. Just to remind you, the IE Orientation will begin at 8:30 AM on Saturday, April 4th, in Building 17, where we will meet briefly for coffee in room 17-808 before moving on to room 17-810 for the first session. The only session that will not be held in 17-810 will be the one titled “Best Practices in IE Active Listening,” which will take place in the Goucher Building–15-502.

The Scope & Sequence for IE Core has been updated for 2015. The biggest change is the addition of some plagiarism awareness activities and tasks at each of the three levels. Even though this document is most directly relevant to IE Core teachers, it is highly recommended that IE Writing and Active Listening teachers take a look at it as well since this is an integrated program and the changes in one course has knock on effects on the others.

We have also prepared an updated version of the English Department Handbook–a useful reference source for the rules, policies, and regulations of the department. It has helpful information about what you will need to do should you have to call in sick, etc. Teachers new to the department should definitely look through the text to see what it covers. Continuing teachers are strongly encouraged to take another look at it since there have been some updates.

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New Plagiarism Policy

The IE Program now has a new policy that addresses the problem of plagiarism. We do not see plagiarism as a greater problem at AGU than at other universities, and it may even be less of a problem due to the fact that plagiarism avoidance strategies are explicitly taught to our students. However, in order for students to get the most out of their education, and to ensure fairness across all classes, we felt that it would be beneficial to promote and enforce a clear plagiarism policy. Here are the PDF and DOC versions of the policy.



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